Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sex Education

Sex education is definitely a controversial topic these days. Schools are meant to teach our children, but the question is how much do they teach? Are the school systems responsible for teaching our children morals and values? Is sex education a matter of morals or is it factual? I appreciate all that the school and government provides for us, but in my opinion, who and when to have sex should be taught by parents. I think how and how to be safe can be taught by schools but gradually so children aren't exposed too early without a chance for the parent to act first. Notices definitely need to be sent to parents before the education is taught in order to provide parents with the chance to teach them their own views and values or withhold their child if they deem necessary, such as in a case of abuse etc. I believe abstinence only education is naive and teaching children how to protect themselves and be safe is extremely important. People have sex.. end of story. Because of that, children/teens today need to be informed about what they're getting themselves into and how to be proactive. I know there are parents out there who think their son/daughter would NEVER have sex at such a young age, but the fact of the matter is, it has been done before and it is becoming more common. I am a firm believer in facing the truth head on and straight forward. I think if our children are shown the unfortunate and very real consequences of unprotected sex, they will be more likely to  not engage in unsafe activity rather than having someone point a finger and say "no."


  1. Jessica,

    I must say right on the money. Who is responsible for teaching our kids. Yes, so many parents leave that job to others. But some do not take accountablity. I think if my teenager was to have a child at a early age. This is make her and myself accountable. Letting her know this not a mistake. But I provide you with the information to prevent the action. I think that sex education starts in the home, church, school and thereafter.

  2. Jessica,

    If I lived in a perfect work, I would say "yes," parents should be the only people talking to their kids about sex. I jump back to reality, and there are so many boys and girls that don't know a thing about their bodies. There are grown adults who don't know about their bodies. I am OK with schools teaching the female and male reproductive systems. That is the beginning of sex education. I am not too hot on school teaching morals, but schools can present the sobering statistics about what happens when a teen has a baby. The moral lessons should be left to parents. Parents need to be accountable, after all they brought the child into the world.
