Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is Sharing Always Caring?

Collage of intimate couples. STDs are Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
 If I had a friend who thought she might be in danger of having an STD, I would definitely encourage her to visit the doctor and get tested as soon as possible. Although it might be scary to have an STD, it is much scarier to find out after much damage has occurred. Infertility, cancers, and all sorts of health risks can follow the contraction of an STD.  The most dangerous of all would definitely be HIV. Fatality can occur swiftly if preventative medicine is not applied. Of course, it is not curable, but many advances have been made in modern medicine that allows people to live a full life outside of a hospital bed. Many STDs do not show obvious signs in women, so damage can be occurring without any knowledge to the infected host. Also, if my friend is not sure whether she has an STD or not, she could possibly pass it on to another partner or loved one. I would sit her down and tell her I understand it is definitely a scary situation, but the risks are too tremendous to ignore. Also, I would have her picture a life without children. For a lot of women, this is enough to motivate, because it is not all about her, it is also about whether or not she may or may not be able to have children and a family.


  1. Jessica,

    It is a scary thing to think about how to go about even talking to a close friend of yours what to do in case he/she found out they have an STD. I think it is important to show concern and a lending ear especially in such crucial times as these. I would probably to the same thing you said as far as encouraging my friend to get tested as soon as possible because just as the banner you posted on your blog: "The Risk is Not Knowing, Get Tested". Couldn't have said it any better :)

  2. Testing is always better than not knowing. If being embarrassed and not finding out damages you more by leaving you infertile then why not get tested? Sometimes our fears are scarier than the truth. Often times knowing what's going on puts you in the driver's seat. You can find out what type of STD you have and if it's treatable get treated. Not doing so can disrupt so many future opportunities. Like infertility not being able to have your own child because of procrastinating and not getting treated.

  3. Hi Jessica,
    You are correct in saying many of us would be frightened and would rather not know if our body had become infected. I know if should ever find myself in that situation first would come rage and days of being in shock, but finding out sooner than later does have more benefits as you pointed out. I like your idea of encouraging testing periodically, this should be put into practice as with the “take a love one to the doctor” day.
