Thursday, January 27, 2011

Health Care in the U.S.

Reading through all these health concerns/hazards or whatever you wish to call them, I stumbled upon something that was truly dumbfounding. According to Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request, "Virtually no studies exist on CDMR." CDMR means Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request. Haven't women been giving birth to babies since the beginning of time? I just could not believe there is so little research on such a common place event, especially considering the risks involved with mandatory Cesarean Delivery for mothers with previa(when the baby's placenta blocks the path through the cervix for traditional delivery). Women who go through with Cesarean delivery are 10 times more likely to develop an infection within 48 hours than those who proceed with traditional delivery(Uterus Infection and C section). If infection occurs, treatments can include simple antibiotics or even a hysterectomy. However, in the worst cases, a patient can die. Also, if the mother chooses to have another child, she is 17.2% more likely to need a blood transfusion, 6-9% more likely to need a hysterectomy, and 8-15% more likely to experience maternal morbidity.(Vaginal Birth after Cesarean)

I definitely believe everyone should have access to healthcare, but to a certain extent. I don't think it is a given right unless you follow the necessary procedures that everyone else does to get it. Mommy and Daddy might have told you that you were special when you were little, but it's the real world now, and you have to work hard and follow the rules like everyone else. I do not agree with the universal healthcare Obama proposed. I can agree some reform is in need, but deep down I still believe in the philosophy this country was founded on, and that is you get what you work for. I honestly think changing the healthcare will give us slower and subpar service. Sure, there are extenuating circumstances, but I work hard for what I have and part of that is the freedom to choose. A lot more debt would be certain as well.

As I was looking up the healthcare situation, I found this which was pretty cool--

I had no idea that medicare/medicaid were our largest budget items.

         Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request, Structured Abstract. March 2006. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

      "Uterus Infection And C Section." Practical Parenting And Child Development. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2011. <>.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog Jessica., Cesareans are so common you would think they would have been studied the affect it has on women. It would be interesting to see the long-term effect on both mothers and their child. If you have friends that have had children you always hear some talking about Cesareans, I would venture a guess that none of them ask if there were any long-term side effects. Thank you for providing this helpful information.
