Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Should testing be taken advantage of?

I definitely think prenatal testing should be routine for pregnant women. About 96% of women have healthy babies, but many women understandably want to ensure their baby is not one of the unlucky 4%. Oftentimes, a positive result of good health for a baby can allow a mother to let go of some stress and result in a more content pregnancy. Sometimes, problems such as exposed nerves can be detected and notify the doctors that a C-section should be performed. If the testing had not been conducted, the mother could proceed with vaginal birth and cause serious injury to the child. Other problems can include heart deficiencies etc., and the child needs to be delivered at a hospital where an infant heart specialist resides. Otherwise, time and effort spent transporting the child could result in the loss of the child’s life. In some cases, testing may detect an issue that the parents can prepare for at home by getting certain supplies or make special arrangements that will be necessary ahead of time. Many times prenatal testing is decided upon when a parent has a family history of certain diseases or defects. However, it is understandable that some people decide against prenatal testing. This could be for religious reasons or perhaps they prefer to keep the pregnancy all natural. Also, some people do not care for testing because they know they will keep the child no matter the condition in contrast to some couples who may decide to abort the pregnancy if a serious issue is detected. I believe prenatal testing benefits outweigh the cons. If a parent has the opportunity to prepare for a medical issue with their child, I definitely feel the opportunity should be seized eagerly.


  1. Testing is a definite must. The benefits of decreasing stress, taking action if tests prove positive, and knowing what you're dealing with are very important. As a parent I would go through great lengths for my son. Testing seems like a small price to pay to make sure all things are going well.

  2. Jessica,

    I agree testing is extremely important to the health of mom and baby. Most of these test promote early detection and control of certain conditions. Your right even though most women have healthy babies but that 4% could have been helped with a few routine test. Every expecting mother should speak with their doctor to determine which prenatal testing should be performed.


  3. Jessica,

    I agree. It is good to know that only 4 percent of pregnancies are unhealthy. This goes to show that routine tests helps in mothers delivering healthy babies.

